Jakon Joi
Learn Shipibo-Konibo Online
Module 1 and module 2
Foundations of Shipibo-Konibo Language and Song
Recordings of our 2022 lectures available learn essencial vocabulary for your icaros understand the mechanics of Shipibo-Konibo language.
You will
- Dive into Shipibo-Konibo culture through language and song
- Learn the foundations of Shipibo-Konibo grammar to express yourself in ícaros and basic dialogue
- Build a diverse vocabulary of key words
- Study medicine songs from a language-learning perspective
- Access to group online classes via zoom
- Access to recordings of each online class
- Access to special study materials
- Immersive experience with female and male native speakers and english speaking facilitators
Meet your instructors
Professor Eli Sánchez (Pakan Meni)
Is a teacher and a leading expert on the Shipibo-Konibo language. He has worked on many language projects, including primary school textbooks, traditional storybooks, and oficial translations as a founding member of ARIAP.
Eva Melendez (Xawan Rabi)
Is a secondary education student at the National University of Ucayali (UNU), and artista with the Kené Néte collective. As winner of the Soi Noma contest in 2019, she became a representative of Young Indigenous women, and is currently the vice-president of Alianza Arkana.
Brian Best
Is a linguistec anthropologist and student of the Shipibo-Konibo language since 2003. He has a master's degree in Native American Languages and Linguistics and works with ARIAP to créate an online Shipibo-Konibo dictionary and other language projects. He has also been a long-term student and facilitator of plant medicine under Manuela Mahua (Jakon Rate).
Macarena Arias
Is a Peruvian living in Ucayali and student of the Shipibo-Konibo language since 2016. She began learning with Professor Eli Sánchez and continued through her work with Alianza Arkana and plant medicine with Manuela Mahua (Jakon Rate). She is an artista, SE Practitioner, Expressive Arts Facilitator, and works with her spouse at Koshi Ayahuasca Retreat Center.
Module 1
Week 1: 2hrs
- Introduction to Shipibo-Konibo cosmovision
- Alphabet, pronounciation tongue twisters
- Greetings, Jawe janerin mia? (What is your name?)
- Introduction to ícaro and basic suffixes
Week 3: 2hrs
- Dynamic vocabulary building exercises
- Jawekeskarin mia? Ea riki jakonshaman (How are you? I am excellent! Describing feelings and learning pronouns)
- Continue study of ícaro, basic suffixes and vocabulary. Create your own lines!
Week 1: 2hrs
- Dynamic vocabulary building exercides
- Jawerin nato? Jawerin ja? (What is this? What is that?)
- Nato riki atsa. Nato atsa riki noeshaman! (Describing things)
- Continue study of ícaro and basic suffixes and vocabulary
Week 4: 2hrs
- Review of Weeks 1-3
- Jaweki min akai? (What do you do? Introduction to present tense verbs and verb uses in ícaros)
- Finalize study of ícaro and closing of module 1
Module 2
Week 1: 2hrs
- Review of Module 1
- Introduction to Shipibo-Konibo cosmovision part 2
- Understanding ícaros
- Introduction to intermediate suffixes
Week 3: 2hrs
- Shipibo grammar lesson
- Dynamic vocabulary building exercises
- Understanding ícaros
- Continue to practice writing your own lines
Week 2: 2hrs
- Shipibo grammar lesson
- Dynamic vocabulary building exercises
- Understanding ícaros
- Practice writing your own lines
Week 4: 2hrs
- Grammar review of Weeks 1-3
- Finilize study of selected icaro
- Final line writing and closing song circle!